Sunday, May 8, 2011

Japan Earthquake, Disaster Subscriptions Once Every 1,000 Years

TOKYO - Earthquake and Tsunami which hit northeastern Japan, on Friday last week due to the movement of several plates at once, this is a catastrophic disaster assumed 'subscription' is repeated every 1000 years. This assessment submitted seismology expert Roger Musson.

Musson explained that there are similarities between the events of last week with a big wave that swept the coast of Sendai year 869 AD. According to him, at that time underwater movement that produced the tsunami is not common in this region.

Musson, who became head of Earthquake Hazards at the British Geological Survey, suggested that the tsunami that recently occurred in Japan examined and compared with 869 years of disaster.

"I imagine the two disasters is similar because it is hard to think there will be again another major earthquake elsewhere in the world," said Musson told BBC News.

BGS seismology experts also revealed a number of other large earthquakes have occurred mainly in the area in 1933 and the 1890s

The height of the tsunami that struck Japan last week to reach 10 meters. Not yet known how far the water flowing into the mainland, but according to a report reached several miles, at least 5 kilometers.

Japan's research team previously showed, in disaster 'Jogan' 869 years, the tsunami water entrance to 4 kilometers inland and caused extensive flooding. This research was conducted about 10 years ago, led by professors from Tohoku University, Koji Minoura.

"I can not express in words how shocked to see the scale of the earthquake. This may be the same as the earthquake in Jogan. Quake like this can only happen every 1,000 years," said Katsuyuki Abe, Japan's earthquake research committee chairman,

They analyzed sediment from the coast of Sendai and Soma to trace the 869-year tsunami. In conclusion, the tsunami in the Middle Ages was triggered by 8.3 magnitude quake off the coast. They also found evidence of two earlier tsunamis that occurred as long as a disaster Jogan. This leads scientists to the conclusion that there are three major disasters last 3000 years.

Meanwhile, geologist at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, Lisa McNeill said there are several ways to search for traces of the earthquake in the 1990s. Among the trail's history and track record of geology.

"You can find evidence of tsunamis or evidence of rapid movement of soil due to this earthquake, upward or downward. This is what happens on the seabed and produce a tsunami." In some cases, sediment movement underground leaving the track record so that the center of the sediment could be identified.

McNeill added, it is difficult to predict if the record of geological magnitude quake that left minimal. However, he continued, there was a relationship between the size of an earthquake with a tsunami, although he did not dismiss there are also cases that deviate.

Meanwhile, the tsunami expert from Georgia Tech University, Hermann Fritz said no country is how prepared the Japanese in the face of an earthquake. However, he said, anything can happen if the strength of the quake reached 9 SR.

Based on data from NOAA NGC, until now, Japan has experienced about 370 earthquakes with strengths and significant damage. Japan is situated in the territory of the Pacific Ring of Fire, so have a high seismic potential.

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