A horrendous incidents related to Unidentified flying object (UFO) in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. At that time, in the middle of a big storm, found a flying saucer crashed. Also, three bodies, three human-like creatures short and wear metallic clothing.
The news sparked a debate and conspiracy theories are an infinite amount. Science fiction lovers believe, are alien spacecraft.
The U.S. Government accused of trying to cover up by saying it was a weather balloon accident. Roswell incident became the inspiration of movies, books, and documentaries about aliens in the 1970s.
Once rumored to appear in the list of secret documents U.S. federal investigators bureau (FBI), is now a new book offers an entirely different explanation: that the Roswell UFO is man-made.
Two 'criminals' in the history, the Soviet dictator, Joseph Stalin and the 'Angel of Death' Nazi Germany, Dr. Josef Mengele was mentioned was behind the incident.
In a book called 'Area 51', the author Annie Jacobsen claiming what he wrote based on interviews of scientists and engineers who worked at Area 51 - U.S. research sites in the desert of Nevada.
He refused to link the incident with the Roswell aliens and proposed the theory that Stalin, who was inspired by the famous radio play delivered Orsin Welles. Drama adapted from works of HG Wells's famous novel entitled 'The War of the Worlds' or' War of the Universe "presented as a contemporary news. That sparked hysteria in the United States in 1938.
According to the book, the plot began after the Soviet Union seized the single winged jet from Germany's Horten Ho 229 - called the pilot a plane precursor B-2 stealth bomber.
Then, Mengele began to enter into this story. Nazi doctors who had conducted research Auschwitz then flew to South America after the war was supposed to create a 'Grotesque' or child-sized flyer in exchange for a eugenics laboratory.
As contained in the book, found a flying saucer in Roswell contains child-sized alien 12-13 years old.
What is the purpose of Stalin created the plot of a flying saucer? None other than to create a similar hysteria during 1938. However, remote-controlled aircraft was destroyed and the U.S. tried to cover up the incident. According to sources Jacobsen - a technician from the defense firm EG & G -, he admitted that he was involved in a project at Area 51 Roswell in 1978.
"They found the body beside the plane that crashed. It was not an alien, nor the pilot. They are human beings who become guinea pigs. Too small for flight, they look like children," wrote Jacobsen who is the Los Angeles Times.
"High they are less than five feet, with the same defect. They have a large head and big eyes that abnormal size," he said.
Two of them were found in a coma, but still alive. Confirmed, U.S. Air Force spokesman declined comment. ''We have not yet read this book so as not to make comments related to it. "
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