Thursday, May 19, 2011

Militants and troops of Somalia Clash , 15 Killed

Mogadishu - A gun battle reportedly took place between Somali forces backed by UN peacekeeping troops and African Union (AMISOM) and the militant al Shabaab. This conflict has killed 15 people and wounding 80 people.
As reported by, Thursday, (5/19/2011), Public Health Service Somalia, said that many victims who were wounded by fragments of bombs used in the two sides in the confrontation.

Mortar attacks were also reported to have landed in Mogadishu market area that is Bakaara. Medical party, Sheikh Ali Muse, said that they had been carrying 80 people are injured as a result of this battle.

Mogadishu clashes heard again as sporadic gunfire formations. Somali government itself is not functioning properly during the last 20 years.

While the militant al Shabaab itself claims will continue to create unrest in Somalia, until AMISOM troops out of the country. Al Shabaab who last year declared berkoalis with Al Qaeda, wants the establishment of an Islamic state in Somalia.

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