Monday, May 16, 2011

Men Have Skin Like This Orange

BEIJING - The case of odd diseases found in China. A 51-year-old man, suffering from a strange disease that causes the hands and feet to swell and his skin textured like orange peel.

Symptoms experienced by Yang Bing is a symptom of extreme illness and is an ancient example of pretibial myxedema a rare complication of Grave's Disease (internal diseases). He has been diagnosed with Grave's Disease 6 years ago and is currently being treated.

While undergoing treatment, which complained that the drugs given to him did not alleviate the disease.

"My hands were swollen and hardened, and I can not do anything with my hands, even holding it. And I have to wear sandals a large and cut edges with scissors for my legs could go," according to The Orange was quoted as saying on Monday (5/16/2011 .)

Who was rushed to hospital in Chongqing Xin Qiao to get further treatment. Although the doctor tried to continue, to cure the strange disease this YangBing.

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