Monday, May 16, 2011

Power of Perceptions in Shaping Customer Satisfaction

Is the glass half empty or half filled? The definition lies in the customer's viewpoint.

Is not it interesting how our perceptions and our actions set the conviction? Much research on the brain that supports the idea that what we mean defining our reality. This article examines the role of perception in the minds of customers.

Assessing the Quality of People with Multiple mode

Regardless of how good you are confident with the bid or project solutions, clients and customers will respond to "quality in perception" even more than "quality in fact."

Quality in fact refers to the features that we believe will we pay for, such as how much weight something, speed, or various other characteristics.

Quality in the perception of offensive things that require particular consideration, courteous behavior, and personal attention, and many other subtleties that make us believe that we receive more than what we pay. Effective quality in perception can help cover any shortage in the gap in quality that could disrupt or make customers uncomfortable.

Often, the value of the Received Not About Price

Several years ago, I was a volunteer mediator in Small Claims Court system. As long as I was involved in the system, I made amazed by the number of cases involving mistakes or incompetent who can not be proved. People often require cleaning services business such as insects and paint cars, and even former good friends and health care providers receive many complaints! Demands are often looking for a small amount of compensation, which means the financial aspect is not the primary concern.

That often arise in a mediation session is the plaintiff felt that if vendors, service providers, health providers, or former friends do not listen to what the concern. Many plaintiffs believe that if their concerns are related to deficiencies in services, products, or communication ignored.

However, if the defendants in this case a sincere apology earlier - and trying to communicate and take action to make improvements - I'm sure the quality resulting from the perception will prevent the occurrence of many lawsuits, although in reality the quality is still to be something expected.

New Evidence Will Power of Petition Sorry

Recently the New York Times reported that a sincere apology from the doctors, surgeons, and hospitals are already making serious medical errors have a major impact in reducing the likelihood of patients demanding the occurrence of malpractice. In addition, patients who are willing to settle out of court settlement usually receive a lower payment than when doctors become defensive and deny what happened.

"Denying and preserving" is the advice given by lawyers and malpractice insurance to physicians in the United States, according to the Times. Studies show that at least 30 percent of medical errors are not disclosed to patients. However, because of malpractice claims has made medical costs skyrocket, a drastic change in approach to handling the situation with this high pressure is needed.

According to the article, two years ago, the University of Illinois Medical Center perform a program that publicly acknowledge and apologize for medical mistakes are made. Since then, the frequency of malpractice cases against these centers decreases to half. And of the 37 cases where the hospital acknowledged a preventable error and apologized, only 1 patient who filed the lawsuit.

In situations where patients are described in the article, "the doctor is really open, honest, and it is thus eliminate anger" Apologies are also help settle down the problem significantly.

Perception Without Creating Claims

To help ensure continued customer perception, we need to create a consistently enjoyable experience in every interaction with individuals, ranging from visiting a Web site or place of a visit, asking for information, buy products, receive deliveries, interact with the actual product or service, ask for help , etc..

Consider these important points: The person receives a series of interactions with the organization and offer you as a unity of experience - as if everyone and everything represents a thread in a piece of cloth.

Customers do not care about anything behind your business, whether your business is spread all over the world, or just individual departments which consist of a contractor or employee. Whenever customers require technical support, for example, they expect them to know all aspects that are advertised on the Web site of the product.

So, if there is any type of communication breakdown, you can explain yourself, but there was no logical explanation in the minds of customers.

Prescriptions for Improving Quality in Perception

These important findings demonstrate the power of apology and direct communication in influencing the perception of clients, customers, or patients. To ensure you do not ignore how to create the perception of quality, consider:
  1. Special treatment that can differentiate your offer with a competitor.
  2. Your ability to listen and handle the problem quickly and diplomatically.
  3. Your willingness to be honest with clients about problems and shortcomings.
  4. Communication is clear, direct, and polite which states the consistency of details.
Remember, the quality of perception is not a substitute for the real quality. But it can minimize customer dissatisfaction and client, and encourage giving good quality when you actually do it.

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