Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Writing Obama '24 May 2008 'in Westminster Abbey Guest Book

ENGLAND - In a state visit, is common to a head of state sign the guest book at the places he visited. Besides writing the name and signature, not infrequently also the head of state to write a short impression about the country he visited.

No exception Barack Obama President of the United States who do so when it set foot at the Presidential Palace and Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, some time ago.

However, there are strange things in Obama's visit to the English on Tuesday. When visiting Westminster Abbey, the church where the marriage between Prince William and Kate Middleton, Obama seems to forget that the year has been changed to 2011.

Under his signature, he wrote on May 24, 2008, the year when he won the presidential election in the United States.

"A great honor to commemorate the cultural heritage and our shared sacrifice," he wrote in the guest book as reported by Yahoo News, Wednesday (05/25/2011).

During his visit, Obama greeted the leader of Westminster John Hall.

"On behalf of the leadership and management of Westminster, I am happy to welcome you and Mrs. Obama in Wesminster Abbey on the first day state visit to Her Majesty," said Hall.

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