Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Spiderman Saved by the rope

ISTANBUL - French climber Alain Robert, better known by the name of Spiderman, very lucky to survive as a safety rope.

This desperate man is known as a climber of tall buildings around the world illegally and never use a rope.

But now Robert feel very fortunate, when he climbed the tallest building in Turkey he was using the rope.

Robert who was climbing the building in Istanbul Sapphire, slipped and almost fell, lucky that the French Spiderman use rope rescue.

In the 261-meter-tall building that Robert have difficulty in climbing. "On the walls of the building height of 15 meters is very slippery, as there is oil in the suburbs, making it impossible to set foot."

As reported by the Telegraph, on Thursday (18/05/2011), having successfully escaped from his feet slipped, Spiderman was also continuing his ascent to the incision time of one hour 50 minutes.

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