parents need to keep learning communication techniques. Chatting habits need to be built to prevent the wrong interpretation of the parental treatment of children. Parents have to learn many tricks to patch up the lack of communication at home. .
To learn the techniques of communication, a psychologist who was familiarly called Nina mentions a number of tips.
* Expresses thoughts and feelings
Parents can learn communication techniques to get used to express thoughts and feelings. By being open, parents can freely express his thoughts about things to children. Likewise with expressing feelings. No need to hesitate to express feelings of affection to children. Children also need to hear expressions of affection from his parents.
* Jelly listen
Parents need to listen to the needs of children. But do not just hear what the children. Parents also need to be keen to hear the needs of children between the lines. You do not have to wait for children to ask, if he felt the need to praise the work he made himself, then pointed out to you. Listening habits will help parents communicate better with children.
* Encourage children to talk
Parent-child communication that good will come true if there is a two-way dialogue. If you're getting used to express feelings and thoughts, time to pass on to children. Parents should encourage children to talk, express thoughts and feelings. Besides pointed out, parents can also provide insight to the child, that they also need to express what she feels. With so children are encouraged to speak out.
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