Sunday, May 8, 2011

Facebook Launches '​​Containers' Special To The Journalist

CALIFORNIA - Up more and more serious in handling the news. Today, the company announced new features for journalists, including a special page that is "Journalists on Facebook". Programs for journalists that reportedly will be available globally.

"The new page will be a tool for reporters who use Facebook to find sources, interact with readers and complete news," said a spokesman for Facebook, as reported by WebProNews.

Up promises, the content will be added on a regular basis to the page. "Input from the community of journalists will also be accommodated," promised up.

"Changes that will make journalists can perform journalistic tasks very well due to unify product up-date it with their work and connect with users of Facebook, which number more than 500 million people."

Facebook also provides programs for journalists who called up Journalism Meetup.

In this event, up will hold events around the world, and held a workshop about using Facebook as a means of reporting, and provoke dialogue among journalists.

For starters, the program will begin on 27 April in the central office up in Palo Alto, California.

By that date, reporters in the courtyard up already received the "likes" nearly 2,300. Among them are Katie Couric, CBS news television official, Diane Sawyer of ABC and host of ABC's Sunday talk, Christiane Amanpour

Since Facebook launched a program that can be exploited by media organizations in early 2010, up claiming they failed to provide increased traffic by over 300 percent for media sites. This latest step, in cooperation with media organizations, is to "make the content become more social"

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