Sunday, May 8, 2011

Nosy grandmother 75 of 'Suicide' Internet Connection in Two Countries

GEORGIA - unique events happening in Georgia. A 75-year-old grandmother is responsible for deciding otherwise the internet connection in Georgia and its neighbors, Armenia, so much netter failed surfing in cyberspace.

Georgian Interior Ministry initially claimed she had retired to dig the ground to find iron or objects that could be sold. Well, dig it led to a stream of optical fiber cable internet connection in Georgia and Armenia.

Do not understand what its usefulness, the grandmother is cut and damage the cable. Then gave up an internet connection in some areas the two countries. Thousands of internet users are unable to access the internet for several hours.

"He found that the cable while collecting metal and even cut it with the intent to steal," said Zura Gvenetadze, a spokesman for Georgia's Interior Ministry, reported AFP.

My grandmother who was nicknamed 'hacker (hacking) of spades' was being investigated for damaging property.

Nosy grandmother had now been arrested and threatened with punishment up to 3 years in jail with charges of damaging property.

Indeed, such events have occurred in 2009 in which the fiber optic cable was also damaged one.

But this time, a larger scale. Cable company owner, Georgian Railway Telecom, said the damage to make 90% of regular Internet users and corporate customers in Armenia lost access for 12 hours. Similarly, internet service provider in Georgia to be disturbed.

"I do not understand how this grandmother could find and destroy the cable. The cable is protected and such incidents are extremely rare," said Giorgio Ionatamishvili of the Georgian Railway Telecom.

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