One action figure in a film often makes many people in the world inspired to pour in the form of his works.
Only six years ago after serving a movie Stealth, a Northrop Grumman company recently rumored to have successfully developed a robot type unmanned stealth fighter plane the world's first named, Jet X47-B.
United States (U.S.) is famous keen to develop military technology. Jet X-47b is designed for the U.S. Navy. In test flights, this sophisticated bombers were in the air for 29 minutes and reached an altitude of 5000 feet.
Innards of this aircraft thick with robotics technology because it does not require pilots to operate them. Indeed, previous existing aircraft with similar technologies such as Predator or Reaper.
However, X-47 B-level is more advanced because it can not be detected radar and capable of flying much faster, top speed stealth aircraft is "High subsonic."
Robotic unmanned jet has a range and greater power to perform the action takes off from an aircraft carrier, equipped with laser-controlled bomb ammunition and capable of performing refueling in the air.
Both wings of the aircraft-like wings of bats has long 62.1 feet (18.9280 meters), the maximum charged 4500 pounds (2 tons more), equipped with a number of sensor systems and a range of more than 2100 nautical miles (3379.6224 km). Even more great again, robot fighter jet can be controlled remotely (remote) or further programmed for purposes of a particular mission.
Equipped with the ability to fly more than 40,000 feet, or about 12,192 feet, this robot can be used as spy planes or aircraft reconnaissance for intelligence missions, precision attack and detect ballistic missiles exists.
Proper test flight that has lasted more than a year is an initial step to demonstrate the latest figure from robot type stealth fighter jet of the first in the world. And calibaration have calibaration was reportedly found a new type of robot will be used for military purposes in 2013 that will come.
"Today we got a glimpse of the future when an unmanned jet Navy has flown into space," said Capt. Jaime Engdahl, programming manager of the X-47b.
Developed since 2007, the cost of manufacture of X-47b to reach 395 million pounds. It can be programmed to fly itself to the target set to a distance of thousands of miles. Computers in them is said to be able to control the takeoff, landing and refueling in the air.
"We made a breakthrough by developing the first unmanned jet that could take off and land on the flight deck (on board)," claims Bill Shannon, Real Admiral Navy officials who reported dailymail.
In addition to this type of X-47b, there are reportedly still unmanned combat air vehicles that will soon follow the other tested the stealth fighter's Taranis unmanned England. And reportedly will also be tested this in 2011.
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