Vitamin is an organic molecule that is necessary for the body metabolism and normal growth. This vitamin can not be produced by the body and must be met from outside the body or through food.
Lately, more and more sold food additives or food supplement and vitamins. There is a liquid, tablet, or capsule. Reasons of practicality and indiscriminate eating patterns is the reason many people in urban areas to take these supplements.
However, for us to meet the body's vitamin naturally, from fruits and vegetables.
If we take vitamin supplements, vitamin content was alone. Better fruits or vegetables because it also contained vitamins and minerals, fiber, fluids, and other important fitokemikal.
Also from vitamin supplements, especially if high doses could increase the risk of excess body vitamins. You see, it could be our body is actually just a specific vitamin deficiency. If we take supplements complex, we will also get the vitamins that may not be needed by the body.
Water-soluble vitamins, like vitamin B and C, also can not be stored in large quantities in the body. Excess of this vitamin will be issued via the urine. Thus be redundant if we consume water-soluble vitamins in high doses.
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