Sunday, May 8, 2011

Viking Ancient Buildings Found in Lower City

DUBLIN - An ancient Viking building found by building workers at the bottom center of Dublin, Ireland.

Now the archaeologists digging at the site of buildings which used to be an island. Sites findings found were two Viking house. Both buildings were found during the excavations at the site two weeks ago. Similarly, as quoted from the Independent, Friday (5/6/2011).

The site was found when officers began to renovate the building construction Meeting House Square, which is used as a haven for outdoor events.

The building is believed by scientists built on an island in the River Poddle, a small river that flows around the findings.

Scientists also predict that around the 10th century or 11th-century building was destroyed from the river swept away Poddle River.

A number of artifacts from the period after the buildings are also found around the location.

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