Sunday, May 8, 2011

Personality Changed Paris Hilton

ANGELES - In a new reality show Paris Hilton at Oxygen titled The World According to Paris, Paris looks different. He's no longer a glamorous socialite, but a woman with simple life.

Paris recently turned into a woman entrepreneur who politely in all the words and deeds. He took part in charity events. He's dating a nice guy who seems like a real adult, not someone who works in the world of showbiz.

And when recently asked about his rival, Kim Kardashian, Paris said he does not compete with Kim and expect something best to Kim. Hollyscoop Thus was launched on Saturday (07/05/2011).

Paris highlighted by the audience in his days filled with controversy and become the character you want a lot of spectators. And now people know the history itself. They were interested to see what happens next in Paris.

But some celebrities are not so impressed with the changes in self-Paris. Lindsay Lohan told her friends, "Paris does not have to make fun of serious things in public life."

Speech Lindsay because she mentioned the theft of a necklace made ​​Lindsay by making a video on the newest reality show The World According to Paris.

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