"We are too many packaged foods," said David Katz, MD, director of the Prevention Research Center at Yale University. "Often these foods are high in calories, and low in nutrients, like vitamin B12 and omega-3."
Lack of vitamins and minerals is what causes the symptoms of aging. So this does not happen to you, consider whether you have made some mistakes follows.
1. Avoiding animal protein
Make old fast because: you lack vitamin B12, which is needed for energy.
Animal protein helps regulate metabolism and energy production, as well as the key to maintaining a healthy brain and nervous system. "Fatigue is a hallmark of people who lack vitamin B12, and this usually occurs in people who do not consume enough animal protein," said Danine Fruge, MD, medical director at the Pritikin Longevity Center & Spa in Miami. Ulcer drug-containing antacids also can cause B12 deficiency, because antacids inhibit absorption of B12.
To meet the needs of animal protein, try to consume two servings of low-fat dairy foods (like milk or yogurt), and 85-110 grams of lean protein each day. The sources of B12 include fish, shellfish, oysters, mussels, also beef, chicken, or pork without the fat, and cereals are equipped B12. If you do not have time to process the animal protein, the consumption of doses of 500-1000 mcg of B12 supplement every day.
2. Avoiding supplements
Make old fast because: you lack minerals like manganese and copper, which helps prevent joint pain.
Manganese and copper is needed to maintain joint cartilage and flexibility, so that often these supplements will prevent joint deterioration and eliminate pain, according to Dale Peterson, MD, director of the Comprehensive Wellness Center in Sapulpa, OK. "The body is able to fix the amount of damage if given the proper support," he said.
Sources of manganese and copper can be obtained from nuts, beef, and spinach. But since you will not be able to consume enough food to meet the needs of these minerals, add a supplement of 2 mg copper and manganese supplementation of 5 mg per day.
3. Reluctant to eat fish and fat
Make old fast because: fish and healthy oils (like olive oil) into a source of omega-3 fatty acids, whose function is to help prevent blurry memory.
"These fatty acids are part of the building blocks of the brain. If you do not get enough of this fatty acid intake, the architecture of the brain become weak, and brain function, including memory, will decline, "said Andrew Weil, MD, director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona.
Not only the amount of omega-3 is important, but also the balance between omega-3 and omega-6. "The food we are filled with omega-6 fatty acids, mostly derived from food packaging," said Weil. "The more omega-6 that you consume, the more omega-3 needed to balance the levels of omega-6. Most of us do not eat enough omega-3, and consume too much omega-6. "
To get this balance, reduce food packaging, and get used to cooking with olive or canola oil. Then, the consumption of 100 grams and 100 grams of wild salmon herring, sardines, or halibut, each week. When eating salads or cereal, add a tablespoon of walnuts, five days a week. Or, enjoy a 9-12 point almonds, four times a week.
If you do not have time to obtain this ideal intake, consumption of 2,000 mg of fish oil every day, or 1,000 mg capsule of DHA.
4. Prefer to consume food packaging
Make old fast because: Food packaging tends to increase the sodium, which can cause high blood pressure when consumed in excess.
Most food packaging added sodium, but do not add potassium, which is usually obtained from fruits and vegetables. "Lack of potassium will increase the toxic effects of excessive salt intake," says Dr. Fruge. Your condition will be more severe if the kidneys try to remove the salt, because you will lose more potassium.
"This imbalance can damage blood vessels, and trigger high blood pressure. Eating better can certainly fix this problem," he added. Limit your sodium intake to 1,500 mg per day, and consumption of seven to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
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