Monday, June 11, 2012

up Position Make a Healthy Heart

Get a job promotion has become the desire of every employee. Not only will you get the position and higher salary, promotion also makes employees become healthier.

Employees who work in offices with better promotion prospects have 20 percent lower risk for heart disease than those with only a few have the opportunity to gain promotion.

These findings are the result of research conducted by Sir Michael Marmot, professor of epidemiology at University College London, and Michael Anderson, of the University of California, Berkeley to 4700 civil servants in Whitehall for more than 15 years.

The findings, published in the Journal of Economy shows employees with little opportunity to move up and are likely to develop heart disease.

Researchers speculate that if these findings are associated with high rates of heart disease suffered by employees, Sir Alex expect exciting surprises can positively affect health.

"Promotions is one of the mechanisms of upward social mobility. Upward social mobility is very good influence on health,

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