Wednesday, June 13, 2012

This Home Ideal Future

The idea of ​​the ideal home that is being developed environmentally sound electronics company Panasonic Group. Given the name Eco Idea House, home of the future is expected to not only provide comfort and health for the residents, but also friendly to the earth. Hopefulness, the concept of home is able to reduce the amount of C02 emissions by 35 percent in the coming years.

With the concept of energy resource management (manage energy), which includes the creation of new energy (create energy), energy storage (energy stores) and energy saving (save energy), are expected to attend environmentally sound homes. "The amount of C02 emissions can be reduced by the management of household appliances are energy efficient and new energy utilization," said Cathy Liu, Global Public Relations Office Panasonic Group in Osaka, Japan, on Friday last week. chance to peek at the concept of eco-friendly home Eco Ideas House at the Panasonic Center in Osaka. Designed two-storey building with four rooms - consisting of a 70-year-old grandmother, father (40), mother (37) and a 6-year-old child is equipped with technology that is designed environmentally friendly. Energy source was supplied from the utilization of solar cells is stored in the lithium-ion battery to be used at any time when energy is needed. In fact, this component is also not only be used to power lights, TV and other electronic devices but also charge an electric car for 14 hours for 100 km distance.

The concept of eco-friendly home-style Panasonic, designed with a neat arrangement of space, combined with elements from nature, such as water, air, light and heat of the earth.

Offered a variety of electronic products sync with nature. To bring clean air and comfortable in the room, for example, installed the Wind Passage Tower S. This is a hybrid air conditioning system that combines natural and mechanical ventilation. Function, aligning with the outdoor air in the room. Draws air in summer and warm air in winter and keep it under the floor. Thus the air temperature in the chamber is maintained. Air that has been generated and then distributed through the AC Econavi equipped with sensors - which attaches to the other wall - the entire room.

AC Econavi will send you an optimal air flow to detect the location and movement of a person in a room according to its activity. For example, the supply of AC will be warm enough for people who are reading and different from the person doing the housework. AC will automatically turns itself off when the room is empty.

Not only that, the management of light contributes participate. Maximize penetration of natural light to minimize the use of light bulbs. With optimal design, the light from outdoors is channeled through the ceiling and walls to allow room still bright and still maintain comfort. With the use of sensors, this allows light settings automatically. When it grew dark, the lights only farthest from the window that will light up.

Eco Ideas House throughout the room using the LED (light-emitting diode), which controlled lighting appropriate to the lifestyle of users and amount of available sunlight changes, according to times and seasons.

A number of products used such as refrigerators, washing machines, tv until the car is produced with an emphasis on the environment. "All the products included in the Eco Ideas House proven to reduce emissions by five percent a year," he said.

Said to Cathy, the concept of Eco Idea House will be realized in 2013. Fujisawa project called SST (sustainable smart town) that has been built in Kanagawa Prefecture, 50 km west of Tokyo. Declaration of Eco Idea House project has been announced publicly by President Fumio Ohtsubo Panasonic on May 26, 2011 and with the involvement of eight companies.

Once in Japan, the plan will be developed in China (Tianjin Eco City) and Singapore (Punggol Eco Town). "We will also be made at the University of California, San Diego. So that in 2018, coinciding with the celebration of 100 years of the founding of the company, the mission to establish Panasonic as the number one eco-friendly company, "he hoped.

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