Monday, June 4, 2012

That Pelvic Pain in The Signs of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is also known as cervical cancer is the occurrence of changes in cell structure into a malignancy in the cervical region (commonly referred to as the cervix). Nowadays cervical cancer women enough attention, let alone all women at risk of developing this cancer.
Due to the large volume of risk, type of cancer is known as a killer number one. Many others call it silent killer (silent killer), because in its early stages did not show typical symptoms, and even can be said without symptoms for the sufferer.
"Based on the experience of the world of medicine, many patients with cancer are at an advanced stage. Where complaints of patients, usually bleeding outside the menstrual cycle, abnormal vaginal discharge, pain is not normal and abnormal bleeding when intercourse and many others," said Dr. Surya Dyah Agustine Sesunan.
In addition, the doctor added PTT Central Lampung, at an advanced stage other symptoms that could be seen was the occurrence of menstruation arrived - arrived at menoupose. Not only that, characteristic of patients with higher stage, tend to have decreased body weight and felt a pain in the pelvis.
The girl who was familiarly called Tine explains, this cancer attacks the mouth of the womb (cervix) which lies between the vagina and cervical canal (uterus). This condition occurs because of changes in the cell, which was previously normal to abnormal (cancerous).

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