Monday, June 25, 2012

New President To Strengthen Relations with Egypt, Iran

Egyptian President newly elected, Mohammed Mursi told the Iranian media, he wanted to strengthen bilateral relations with the Persian State. It was intended to create stability in the Middle East.

"I'm interested in good relations with Iran, this will create a balance in the region. A good relationship with Iran is also a part of my policy," Mursi said, as quoted by Fars, Monday (06/25/2012).

Mursi victory that comes from the Muslim Brotherhood stronghold regarded as a historical phenomenon in the land of the Pyramids. That's because the Muslim Brotherhood movement is a movement that was banned by the regime of Hosni Mubarak.

On Sunday, Mursi defeated former Prime Minister of Egypt Ahmed Shafiq in the second round presidential election. Egyptian Presidential Election Commission announced, Mursi votes of 13.2 million residents, while Shafiq 12.3 million.

Speeches on the United States the victory of a graduate engineer (AS) was voiced by a number of countries, including Israel. Jewish Affairs was quite alarming victory Mursi, the Palestinian faction Hamas is nothing but an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. Mursi partnership with Iran would make Israel also assessed the confusion.

But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu still hopes to Egypt with Israel, such as Mubarak is still leading. Israel also does not expect rapid changes in the bilateral relations of Egypt and Israel.

Meanwhile, the U.S. was also welcomed the victory in the presidential figure Mursi Egypt. Obama also encouraged re-Gen Ahmed Shafiq, in order to continue to contribute to both the unity of Egyptians.

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