Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hybrid Cars Trigger The emergence of 'Trash' Battery

Soon more and more hybrid cars and traffic circulation on the streets of Indonesia. Therefore, the Ministry of Industry said that the Government would soon issue a rule that allows a hybrid car marketing in Indonesia. Surely, there will be a new segment of the market wide open for the automakers in the country.

Actually, hybrid cars have long appeared in the world automotive stage. Call it a hybrid model of the Toyota Prius and Honda Insight are produced in the 1990s are still visible on the public roads in the United States (U.S.).

According to, more than 2-million hybrid models on the streets of the U.S. with that number continues to increase each year. And if the models are still used up to now, the battery is used near the end of their lives and should be quickly replaced.

So, what will happen in the next few years when their battery packs to be replaced? Predictable new problems will arise in the form of 'waste' of used batteries that could threaten the preservation of the environment.

Companies like Umicore and Toxco already started to develop technology to address the issue of recycling these batteries. If this problem started to think about from now on, the growth of environmentally friendly vehicles will not be disturbed by the accumulation of the batteries wear out eventually, so the earth is more 'green' will be realized.

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