Sunday, June 12, 2011

“Garrison of Moriah” - a 250,000-Brick Lego Empire

Under the home of Gerry Burrows lies a kingdom; made entirely out of 250,000 pieces of Lego. Inspired by the structures seen in films such as Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, “Garrison of Moriah” is the realization of the Lego buff’s childhood dream. In an interview, Burrows stated that it was the autonomy of maturity that enabled him to begin working on his goal. “I entered what Lego fans call the ‘Dark Ages’- where I didn’t do anything with Lego- but when I graduated and bought my first house… I started thinking how I now have the money and space to actually build the things I wanted to build.”

Preparation for his quest included getting himself a dedicated Lego room- a basement set aside for this specific purpose. The discovery of the unofficial Lego site, BrickLink, brought him one step closer to his goal. A week off work resulted in the early stages of the materialization of the “Garrison of Moriah”.

Garrison of Moriah 2

One cannot help but marvel at Burrows’ architectural ingenuity- he did not go through the expected planning stage, or even have a finished product in mind. Instead, he allowed the structure to take shape as he went along. “Nothing ever touched paper on computer,” he tells “But as I would start to build and focus on individual structures, I would spend time thinking of the specific structures' design. As I built I would get inspiration on cool directions to take."

“Garrison of Moriah” currently stands at 6.5 to 12 feet in height, with a length and depth of 28 feet and 24 to 29 inches respectively. Built to the scale of its tiny Lego inhabitants, the entire structure occupies a third of Burrows’ Lego room- and Burrows has no intention of stopping there. Besides the completion of the bridge, he intends to build a fleet of custom ships to add to his kingdom. Keep a lookout for future developments from this dedicated enthusiast, who evidently has bigger plans for his creation.

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