Saturday, June 11, 2011

Buffon Juventus Never Intend to Leave

Italy's veteran goalkeeper, Gianluigi Buffon was never intended to leave Juventus. Thus confirmed by his agent, Silvano Martina as reported by, Sunday, June 12, 2011.

Buffon was one goalkeeper who became the target of many clubs ahead of the transfer market next summer. One club who reportedly approached the 33-year-old goalkeeper is AS Roma.

However, Martina insisted his players would not be going anywhere. According to him, Buffon who has joined Juventus in 2001 and never thought to leave the Old Lady.

"Since 2006, Guido-Gianluigi Buffon calls often get offers from many clubs including the two big clubs from Italy," said Martina told Radio as reported by Sportiva, Sunday, June 12, 2011.

"He was absent for 7 months and it took time for recovery, but he never minded to leave Juventus and Juventus also never intended to sell it,"said Martina.

Buffon is rarely performed throughout the season 2010/2011. Back injury he sustained during the World Cup 2010 and then forced him to spend more time for recovery. After recovering, Buffon has performed 16 times with Juventus. Buffon also has been defending the Italian national team last February.

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