Thursday, June 23, 2011

Easy win, Federer Pitch to Act III

Roger Federer has not encountered significant obstacles in the tournament Wimbeldon 2011. Swiss tennis player's son is easily stepped into the third round after defeating Adrian Mannarino, 6-2, 6-3, 6-2.

Compete in the main square, Federer too strong for his opponent, Mannarino. Since the first set, holder of six titles Wimbeldon it did not provide an opportunity for Mannarino to develop.

In the first set, Federer leaves the Mannarino 3-0 before closing the game 6-2. The 29-year-old tennis player did the same in the second set before finally closing with the score 6-3.

Federer, who recorded 11 aces do not want to waste any more time. In the third set, Federer had to stop the opposition Mannarino with a score of 6-2.

In the next round, Federer will face Argentina's David Nalbandian. Nalbandian qualified for the third round after defeating Australia, Andreas Haider Maurer with a score 6-3,3-6,6-4,6-4.

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