Thursday, May 31, 2012

Cristian Chivu targeted by Galatasaray

The future of Cristian Chivu together Inter Milan is still hanging. Chivu hitherto have not provided answers to offer a contract extension at the Giuseppe Meazza.

Though the contract with the Romanian players from the Nerazzurri will expire at the end of June. If not sign a new contract, then Chivu could freely move to another club without the consent of Inter.

Chivu is now reportedly being courted one of the Turkish club, Galatasaray. Turkish champions this season offered a contract that is higher than the offer Inter.

"This situation will be clear on this weekend. Galatasaray interested. But I can not say much at this time. We will wait for further developments," said Chivu agent, Victor Becali.

"Chivu may have stayed at Inter. But, let's see what will happen next," added the agent.

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