Saturday, May 19, 2012

China backs Vehicle Electric Power, Indonesia?

The Chinese government offered 6 billion Yuan (U.S. $ 949 million) or equivalent to Rp 8.811 trillion to subsidize the purchase of electric vehicles and fuel-efficient vehicles.

Earlier, in June 2010, Beijing had offered rebates of up to 3,000 Yuan to the small consumers who buy fuel-efficient cars. But, do not say how much the total cost of the subsidies that have been issued at that time.

Whereas in September 2011, the Chinese Government subsidies for cars with engines under 1.6 liter capacity, where the fuel consumption of 6.3 liter/100 km. And pulling the subsidy is also given to the equivalent of 60,000 Yuan or USD 88 million for each sale of electric cars.

This subsidy will be offered to any company that builds electric car charging stations, which will be installed at each parking area. And the electric car owners will also benefit from this new policy with a free benefit to pay parking fees, road tolls and charging the cost of electricity.

Cars with the latest energy technologies will also receive subsidies if they apply the technology to be produced in China. Current production electric car charging station is focused on China Eastern, China Southern and China Northern. These three areas are the areas where electric vehicles are promoted quickly.

If the Chinese government could provide such a policy, what about Indonesia? If you want this country to be better and have a clean and pollution free air, were quite emulate the Chinese government policy is to subsidize a large fund to make electric vehicles and environmentally friendly vehicles and those that use hybrid technology.

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