Monday, May 28, 2012

Bepe: Shit, ISL or IPL Better

Vice President of Indonesia Professional Players Association (IFSA) Bambang Pamungkas mention two current competitions are equally problematic.

The forum was initiated by APPI in Century hotel yesterday afternoon, (28/5) two leagues, Indonesia Premier League (IPL) and the Indonesia Super League (ISL) are all in trouble.

"If someone said that IPL is better or vice versa ISL better, that's nonsense," said the man nicknamed Bepe APPI is on the sidelines of the meeting.

According to him, both competitions are currently running with prematurity. This condition is obviously very detrimental, especially players whose rights are not met by the club. Therefore, APPI directly inform the public.

APPI meeting was attended by representatives from 16 clubs players both IPL and ISL. Hadirpun players who not only local players but also foreign players who play in Indonesia.

Based on the recognition of players are present, there are at least 13 clubs have not given their rights to the player. With this condition IFSA members threatened to strike if the issue is playing can not be completed until 7 June.

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