Friday, July 1, 2011

Khadafy Attack Threatens Europe

Tripoli - Moammar Khadafy, rally his supporters in the war torn Libya, threatened to invade Europe, according to an audio message aired Libyan state television on Friday (07/01/2011).

"You're wrong, you are engaged in a battle that you do not know what's at hand, then retreat, and fled," said Khadafy on a pro-government groups meeting in Tripoli, the Libyan capital. "Our people are capable of one day moving the battle into the Mediterranean, and able to move the battle to Europe."

Khadafy referring to the NATO, which began bombing military targets Libya after the UN Security Council approved a resolution authorizing the use of whatever force is necessary, except for ground invasion, to protect civilians, in March. He vowed to avenge the bombing, saying Libya's military could "like grasshoppers and bees" in Europe. "Houses and offices could be a potential target," said Khadafy.

He also denounced the arrest warrant against him issued last Monday by the International Criminal Court (ICC). ICC based in The Hague, Netherlands, has issued an arrest warrant for Khadafy, his son Saif al-Islam, and the intelligence chief, Abdullah al-Senussi, on charges kehatan against humanity.

When responding to the threat Khadafy, in Washington, U.S. State Department spokesman, Mark Toner, said the United States took seriously the statement of the Libyan leader. "Of course it is individuals who are clearly capable of doing such type of threat," said Toner told reporters. "That's what makes him so dangerous. But he's also someone who gives excessive rhetoric." Toner said the U.S. would continue to support NATO's mission to increase the pressure to Khadafy eliminated.

Meanwhile, a military spokesman in Misrata Libyan opposition party on Thursday night, said the French government was in talks with Libyan opposition related efforts to support them with weapons and ammunition. The French government has not confirmed the claim. But earlier this week, the French military has admitted providing light arms to the rebels Libya.

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