Monday, July 2, 2012

Indonesia Send Team Philippine-MILF Peace Monitor.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (LBBP) RI, John Kristiarto S. Legowo, receive Contingent International Observer Team (IMT) in Indonesia Embassy in Manila.

The team was sent in order to monitor the peace agreement between the Philippine government with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

Defence Attaché of Manila, Marine Colonel Djakaria P. Girsang said, Garuda will send 15 observers.

The amount is composed of 10 military personnel and five civilian personnel under the command of Col. Inf Khairully.

"International Observer Team Indonesia arrived in Manila on June 30, 2012, will now be sent to Cotabato City on July 2, 2012, assisted by several parties.

The parties who accompanied the team, among others, Ambassador LBBP RI, RI Athan Manila Navy Djakaria P. Girsang, Hon. Secretary Teresitha Quintos Deles, head of the Office of the Presidential Adviser for Peace Process (OPPAP) Philippines and usec. Yasmin Busran Lao and members of the GPH-MILF Peace Panel (Representative of the GPH).

IMT in the period of implementation to date, the International Observer Team Representative Indonesia is the first time a delegation officially handed over by Ambassador LBBP RI RI as the Government Representative. Representatives of the Indonesian team, received directly by the Philippine Government Representatives Hon, Secretary Teresitha Quintos Deles.

LBBP RI Ambassador John Kristiarto S. Legowo will officially usher in the International Observer Team Indonesia with the Head of IMT (Head of Mission / HOM) Major General Dato 'Abdul Rahim Bin Hj Mohd Yusuff, on July 2, 2012 at United Center IMT.

"Furthermore, the International Observer Team Indonesia will carry out exercises Introduction (Induction Trainning) for one week before it was assigned in the" Team Site "each," he said.

For more than three decades, the MILF launched a rebellion against the Philippine government. At first they demanded the establishment of an independent state in Mindanao. But in recent years that demand declined, from full independence, becoming an autonomous region that includes most of the island of Mindanao.

Rebellion that has killed more than 150,000 people since the early 1970s. Failed peace efforts initiated after the October 2011, rebels killed 19 soldiers, who they accuse of violating the agreement for violating their territory.

Assassination rekindled the fighting in some areas in Mindanao, killing 40 soldiers, policemen and civilians, and thousands of others displaced.

Both sides then agreed to resume peace efforts, and since January, is no longer a battle.

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