Sunday, September 30, 2012

Stroke, Penyebab Kematian Tertinggi

Dulu, banyak orang meninggal karena penyakit jantung. Penyakit yang tidak menular (PTM) ini pun dikenal sebagai pembunuh nomor satu di Indonesia. Kini, penyakit tidak menular yang menyebabkan kematian terbanyak adalah penyakit stroke. Diduga, gejala dan tanda-tanda penyakit jantung lebih mudah disadari masyarakat ketimbang stroke. "Tanpa banyak diketahui gejalanya, tiba-tiba orang bisa menjadi stroke," ujar spesialis syaraf dari PacHealth@ThePlaza dr Pukovisa Prawiroharjo saat ditemui dalam acara How to Boost Your Brain Power Through Exercise di Jakarta, Kamis (27/9/2012) lalu. Stroke adalah penyakit yang ditandai dengan kematian jaringan otak. Penyakit ini bisa terjadi akibat berkurangnya aliran darah dan oksigen ke otak karena adanya sumbatan, penyempitan, atau pecahnya pembuluh darah. Pukovisa mengatakan, sekarang ini stroke tidak hanya menyerang kelompok usia 55 - 64 tahun. Orang yang relatif lebih muda pun rentan stroke. Penyakit ini menyerang orang usia 18 tahun dengan persentase 1,7 orang dari 1.000 orang. Data Riskesdas 2007 menyebutkan, angka kematian akibat PTM meningkat dari 41,7% pada tahun 1995 menjadi 49,9% pada tahun 2001 dan 59,5% pada tahun 2007. Penyebab kematian tertinggi dari seluruh penyebab kematian adalah stroke (15,4%), disusul hipertensi, diabetes, kanker, dan penyakit paru obstruktif kronis. Di perkotaan, kematian akibat stroke pada kelompok usia 45-54 tahun sebesar 15,9%, sedangkan di perdesaan sebesar 11,5%. Hal tersebut menunjukkan stroke menyerang usia produktif. "Jadi, stroke itu bukan hanya penyakit orang tua saja. Buktinya, orang yang lebih muda pun bisa kena. Kenapa bisa begitu? Ini karena aliran darahnya ke otak terganggu yang disebabkan gaya hidup seperti merokok, makan tidak sehat, diet tidak sehat serta kurang istirahat," ujarnya. Pukovisa menambahkan, stroke memang lebih sulit dikenali karena itu orang disarankan untuk rajin melakukan cek otak dan jantungnya. Di samping itu, lanjutnya, agar menjaga aliran darah lancar sampai ke otak maka seseorang wajib menjaga pola makan, gaya hidup, serta rajin berolahraga.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Piece Human Finger Found in Belly of Fish

A piece of human finger was found in the belly of a fish. The fish was taken from Priest Lake in Idaho. Once traced, the piece turns out it belongs to someone the finger accident two months earlier at the lake.

Calvin Nolan, a fisherman, was surprised to find a finger in the belly of a trout. The fish was caught on 11 September. He then put the pieces of the finger on ice and call the police.

The clever detective managed to get fingerprints. As a result, fingerprint matching fingerprint belonging Haans Galassi (31) of Colbert, Washington. Galassi was then called. At first, the detectives shocked by Galassi lost four fingers left.

On June 21 while playing in the lake, hands exposed Galassi boat propeller. When the police called, Galassi had expected her finger found. "I can still work with your thumb and forefinger half of me," he said. When the accident happened, he immediately rushed to the hospital by helicopter.

Khadafy Make A Schoolgirl Sex Slaves

Cruelty Col. Moammar Gadhafi of Libya increasingly revealed. A new book reveals, Khadafy beating and raping a schoolgirl who was kidnapped. The girls are used as sex slaves to satisfy the appetite of the tyrant who perished at the hands of the mass of its own people last year.
French journalists, Annick Cojean, has collected a number of horrific reports of young girls are forced into harem (where the concubines) the Libyan dictator in a book published last week.
One victim, named Soraya, was 15 years old when she was kidnapped in 2004 by the 'scout' the tyrant was after she was selected to give a bouquet of flowers when Gaddafi visited the school. Gaddafi received a bouquet of flowers before placing his hand on the head of Soraya. Later, Soraya knew that laying hands on the head of it turned out to be a meaningful sign that 'I want this one'.
The next day a number of women in uniform appeared at her mother's salon in Sirte and explained that Gaddafi or wizard, Soraya wants to 'ceremonial bouquet of interest on "the other. Girl was then taken by road for hours through the desert, the blood is then taken and breasts measured pre-stripped and shaved.
After wearing a thong and a white satin gown slit low, Soraya was led to the bedroom Khadafy. She was surprised to find that Gaddafi was naked in the room.
"He grabbed my hand and forced me to sit beside her on the bed," said the girl in the book, as quoted by the Daily Mail, Sunday (23/9). Soraya added, "I do not dare look at him. He said, 'Do not be afraid.'m Your daddy. So you're calling me, do not you? But I also brother and lover. I will be everything for you. Because you're going to stay and live together forever . '"
At first he resisted and was sent to study at Mabrouka, sour-faced woman who was responsible for the 'harem' Gaddafi '. Gaddafi says, "Teach him, students and (later) bring him back."
Soraya describes himself as a 'sacrificial lamb'. Gaddafi repeatedly raped, beat and urinated on adolescents for five years on the kidnapping, according to a book titled Les Proies: Dans le harem de Kadhafi (Gaddafi's prey in the Harem) it.
Sometimes, he said, the other girls joined them. When another girl perform oral sex on Gaddafi, the tyrant tells Soraya to 'watch and learn'. Mabrouka, Soraya said, giving pornographic films to watch as 'homework'.
Another victim, Houda, was 18 years old when he met Gaddafi. The girl said Gaddafi tortured him for five years after she agreed to have sex origin Khadafy release his brother.
One girl described how she was forced to wear frilly underwear and watching porn. She added that Gaddafi 'requires' a girl every day. He also raped the boy, sometimes in the presence of Soraya.
The book also reveals how the victims of the sex slave Khadafy still suffering after being rejected by their families because they had sex when they were not married. Soraya said she lived in fear of his brother, who might want to kill him for the sake of 'delete shame'.
Guests Khadafy women routinely undergo blood tests by nurses to ensure they are free of disease in terms of Khadafy wants to have sex with them.
Marie Colvin, Sunday Times journalist killed in Syria last year, has reported that Gaddafi had been a nurse approached with a needle when he was in Tripoli for Gaddafi interview. He refused to have blood drawn. While still alive Gaddafi was always surrounded women in uniform. According to the book, far from being a security guard, they are sex toys dictator.
Cojean a reporter for the French daily Le Monde. He said reports in the book to be one of 'the most painful investgasi' for him. In an interview with France24, Cojean says, "For Gaddafi, rape is a weapon ... a way to dominate others - women, obviously, because it's easy, but also men, to have their wives and daughters."

Make sleep 9 hours Weight Down

Several studies have revealed that sleep deprivation can lead to obesity. Due to lack of sleep is associated with decreased levels of leptin (a hormone that controls body weight and metabolism) and increased levels of ghrelin (which plays a role in increasing appetite). Conversely, if you want to slim down you should sleep more and more regularly. The problem is, how much sleep do we need so that our weight to be down?
A study of 1088 pairs of twins found several genes that are associated with obesity, and observe how it relates to the pattern of sleep. These genes affect how the body uses energy, how fat is stored in the body, a feeling of fullness after eating, and how quickly sugar is used.
From these observations are found, the less time you sleep, these genes affect the body more and more. Genetic influences on body mass index turns two times greater in people who sleep less than seven hours, compared to nine hours of sleep a night.
"The results show that sleep deprivation lead to a more permissive environment for the expression of genes related to obesity. Or maybe sleep longer it protects against stress-related gene expression in obesity," said Dr. Nathaniel Watson, leader of the study.
The results of this study he was only an introduction, but it could indicate that the weight loss will be most effective when the genetic influences on obesity reduced by sleeping longer.
For those of you who are always busy intercepted, this method may be quite difficult, because sleep seven hours may be a luxury for you. But if you are trying to lose weight by way of lazy, so the results of this study worth a try.

Heavy Metals Can Damage Brain

educational toy which many in the market was not safe for children. Various types of educational toys for children from 2-5 years of heavy metals such as lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), and chromium (Cr).
Research Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) with the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia (UI Faculty) found four different heavy metals from the paint used on the toys. Sunardi, UI Faculty researchers in the lab, said the heavy metals can damage the brain, causing paralysis, reduced intelligence, kidney damage, and cancer.
"The impact of heavy metals in children depends on the amount of heavy metals into the body," said Sunardi, Wednesday (25/1), in YLKI Jakarta.
Noor Jehan, YLKI researcher, said the study focused on the presence or absence of heavy metal content in children's toys. The reason, the content of heavy metals could potentially get into the child's body through the mouth as easy peeling paint.
"If only the views of the dermal absorption of heavy metals, heavy metals contained in educational toys still meet the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). However, there is potential for heavy metals ingested through the paint stuck to the hands of children, "said Jehan.
He took 21 examples of children's educational toys that are sold in malls, markets and shopping centers in the five areas of Jakarta. Toys that include abacus, wooden trains, gauge blocks, block houses, and puzzles.
As a result, only one kind of toys do not contain heavy metals. "I do not know that toys come from inside or outside the country because disguised the name and country of origin," said Sunardi.
Said Jehan, educational toys containing heavy metals are made at home and abroad. "There are no guarantees. Toys imported or local, expensive or cheap, both contain heavy metals. In toys labeled non-toxic (non-toxic) there was heavy metal, "he said.
Sunardi states, in addition to children's toys, which also need to watch out for are crayons used by the children to color. The dye needs to be examined on its contents as crayons crayon wrappers are open. Dye attached to the hands of children can be swallowed

Revealing the content of Arsenic in Rice

Rice is the staple food for people in many countries. But you know, if the rice is consumed every day it has the potential to contain arsenic which is highly toxic substances that harm the body.
The experts had been aware of rice as the main source of dietary arsenic. However, the results of recent studies in the U.S. Consumer Reports found that arsenic in different types of rice products. Encourage the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to immediately set a safe level of arsenic in rice. FDA found arsenic levels exceed more than 60 rice products.
That interest, contained arsenic in rice is not because the toxic chemicals produced by the plant, but from the natural processes that cause these toxic elements accumulated from when rice is planted and grown. Then how arsenic, a toxic element often used to kill political opponents in the Middle Ages, can be contained in the rice?
Toxins can come from man-made and synthetic sources. Arsenic is a metalloid shimmery gray in the form of a naturally occurring element in the earth's crust. Then make their own way into the soil and contaminate ground water through weathering processes.
Arsenic is an element found in nature and in man-made products including pesticides. Low levels of arsenic found in soil, water and air. This element is taken up by plants as they grow, hence the beginning of the entry of arsenic into the body through the food we eat.
This element can change the working system of communication within cells and reduces the body's ability to work. In the end result of various diseases in the body such as diabetes, vascular disease and lung cancer, skin cancer, bladder cancer and heart disease.
Arsenic can be contained in vegetables, whole grains, fruits and seafood. According to the FDA, rice is a food that contains the highest levels of arsenic, and then followed by vegetables.
However, these elements also have uses for the industry such as is used for the manufacture of pesticides and wood preservatives. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states of inorganic arsenic can survive in the soil for over 45 years.
In the U.S. in some states such as Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Texas found rising levels of arsenic in rice. This is possible because the area has a long history as a place of cultivation of cotton, where the industry is widely used insecticides.
Substance is absorbed into the ground, resulting in decades of land contains an element arsenic. Another thing that may cause the arsenic content in the farm fertilizer from chicken manure which they feed containing arsenic.
FDA is conducting a survey on arsenic content in rice does not have enough information to recommend that consumers change their consumption of rice. But both the FDA and Consumer Reports recommends that consumers eat more varied food intake and not just depend on rice alone.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The smallest flies Decapitating Head Like Ants

entomologist discovered a new type of fly has been named the world's smallest flies. The study revealed, however, had the smallest flies decapitate other small insects, ants.
Flies were found by a team of researchers who are members of Thailand Inventory Group for Entomological Research Park. His discovery, published in the journal Annals of the Entomological Society of America July 2012 edition.
Fly species found Euryplatea named nanaknihali. The fly is a member of the first Euryplatea genus found in Asia. Flies a Phoriadae clan, clan known pemenggal consists flies ants.
Brian V Brown, curator of insects at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, as quoted by The New York Times, Tuesday (07/03/2012), said, "The flies are so small that it is hard to see with the naked eye and has wings, eyes, and organ systems are complete. "
Nanaknihali Euryplatea size is only 0.4 mm. By that measure, it flies 15 times smaller than a house fly, five times more than the fruit fly, and even smaller than a grain of salt!
The flies have wings gray. As with other insects, females of this type also has an organ called an ovipositor jutting out makes it easier to lay eggs.
Euryplatea nanaknihali including parasitoid insects. Although small, this insect could decapitate ants bigger. Decapitate mechanism more complicated than imagined, not as simple as biting ants up the severed head.
As reported by LiveScience, Tuesday, parent insects will lay eggs in the ant's body. Fly eggs hatch into larvae, then migrate to the ant's head to feed the muscles used for opening and closing the mouth. The larvae will also eat ants brain. Eventually, the larvae dissolve the membrane which unites the head and body of the ant up the severed head.
"Here we show that even the smallest ant in parasitoid host system can not escape from parasitism," Brown said.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Researchers Formulas Hair Pigtail shape to Award

The team of researchers from the United States and Britain are finding formulas form pigtails Ig Nobel award. The research won the award in the field of physics.
Ig Nobel science awards in this study is a more "down to earth" and glance seem silly. Awards are given in various areas include neuroscience, chemistry, anatomy, medicine and literature.
Despite sounding silly, research scientists who receive this award are very close to the daily life and also published in international scientific journals.
In addition to the discovery of the formula pigtail shape, award winning research is research that chimpanzees can recognize each other by just looking at the back and research why spilled coffee cup when driven.
Patrick Warren, a researcher from Unilever, was proud to receive this award. "I am pleased that little research activity is getting so much attention," he said.
"My field, statistical physics, is not something that many heard, so I'm very proud that we are doing something that is acceptable to others," he said as quoted by the BBC, Jumnat (21/09/2012).
The formula is found Warren and his colleagues called "Equation Form Pigtail Hair". According to the equation, the shape is determined by the fiber pigtails hair, stiffness, the effect of gravity, the hair kekeritingan.
Warren claimed, longstanding research. In the company, the hair becomes very important matter because Unilever manufactures many hair care products. However, this research could have broad implications.
"I also think that we can contribute to the wider field of animation. Hair, for example, is an object that is difficult to make natural in computer animation," he said.
Ig Nobel held on Thursday (09/20/2012) at Harvard's Sanders Theatre. This award is given to the the 22nd time. The award was initiated by the science humor magazine, Annals of Improbable Research.
Awards are always attended and delivered by Nobel laureates simple. Award recipients were given 60 seconds to say a few words after receiving the award. If so, a messenger girl would yell "boring".

Intelligence nation increasingly revealed through the study of birds. Parrot African gray has great verbal skills, scrub jay birds have a remarkable memory, while the New Caledonian crow has the ability to use the equipment. Now, the scientists succeeded in proving that the pigeons are also good at math.
According to a study conducted by Dr Damian Scarf and his team from the University of Otago, birds have the ability to count, sort abstract numbers from the smallest to the biggest, from 1 to 9. This result is surprising because similar capabilities previously thought to exist only in primates nation.The results showed that pigeons can understand that two is greater than one, and three is greater than two.
To obtain these results, the scientists initially trained pigeons with 35 sets of images set. Each with one, two, and three objects of different colors and shapes. Furthermore, pigeons are faced with a bigger set of objects without trained to examine whether they are still able to rank them.
The results showed that pigeons can understand that two is greater than one, and three is greater than two. Even without training, pigeons are also proven to understand that six is ​​greater than five, and so on. This homing ability to match the ability of rhesus monkeys that had been studied by the same method in the 1990s.
"Our findings add to the evidence that the dove is a species of bird that has a great mental ability," says Scarf, Physorg quoted on Thursday (22/12/2011).
Research published in the journal Science on Thursday (22/12/2011), also provide evidence that the birds are not less intelligent primates.
Scarf, as described New York Times, said the ability of birds and primates in calculating obtained through evolution. The ancestors of birds and primates that lived 300 million years ago did have numeracy skills are then derived. Scarf bet, this ability is certainly beneficial for the two nations animal.
Scarf research published in the journal Science, published Friday (23/11/2011). Until now not known whether pigeons are able to develop a set of objects of larger amount, more than 9. However, research is still going to continue, including pigeons observe brain activity while it is counting.

Four Types of Leaf-nosed Bat Found

Researchers have identified four new species of horseshoe bats. Bats horseshoe bats are the ones that have a big nose shaped like a leaf.
Four species of bats identified berhabitat in eastern Africa. Initially, four are classified in one species named Rhinolophus hildebranditii. However, through research it is known that animals that had been classified in the species is actually divided into four distinct species.
Identify started after the reported difference in the frequency of the ultrasonic waves generated species. Bats produce ultrasonic sound waves to locate prey. The technique is called echolocation of bats. The difference in frequency of the alleged basis of species differences.
According to the study, four species that have been classified as type R. hildebranditii have differences in skull shape, frequency of calls, and DNA. Morphological differences are hard to see that this species is often called species complex.
Four species of bats identified himself this time include Cohen horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus cohenae) found in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa, Mount Mabu horseshoe bats (Rhinophus mabuensis) were found on Mount Mabu, Smither horseshoe bat (Rhinophus smithersi) are found in the north valley Mozambique and the Limpopo and Mozambique horseshoe bat (Rhinophus mossambicus) were found in the grass Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
These findings add to the diversity of types of horseshoe bats. Unique horseshoe bats because if other bats emit sonar from the mouth, bats emit sonar this type of nose. Nose width horseshoe bat is useful to help focus the sonar system.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

5 Natural Recipes Make Home Fragrance

Not everyone put up with such an artificial fragrances, air freshener, candles, perfume or soap. In fact, according to experts, fragrances not only gives a distinct impression on the room.
Yes, our brains also associate the fragrance at a particular event. Sadly, if you can not bring home fragrances. Moreover, it is not difficult to present it, because the idea of ​​making a natural fragrance can be a way out to give a different feel at home.
In general, you only need to add water and heat the mixture of natural fragrances. These are the five natural perfume recipes that you can make yourself at home:
1. Orange, cinnamon, and cloves
Besides having a pleasant scent, a blend of orange, cinnamon, and cloves have a long lasting fragrance. Reheat to maintain fragrance fragrance for a few days.
2. Lemon, rosemary and vanilla extract
Fragrant combination of lemon, rosemary and vanilla aroma characteristic of Williams-Sonoma stores. Fragrances also feels very refreshing.
3. Lime, Thyme leaves, and vanilla extract
This fragrance is also pleasant fragrance. You can add mint extract to give effect to the fresh fragrances.
4. Orange, ginger (fresh or powdered), and almond extract
The combination of orange, ginger, and almond extract gives a sweet and fragrant scent of fresh air for your room.
5. Twigs of pine or cedar, bay leaves and nutmeg
All these materials provide a complex fragrance. Do not forget the grated nutmeg before putting the whole nutmeg to the mixture of fragrances. This method will issue a stronger scent of nutmeg.

Shrinking Arctic Ocean ice To Record Low

Arctic sea ice has shrunk to the smallest surface area since the start of the recording. As a result, the world is now in a 'scenario never predictable' as the more intense the effects of climate change, according to U.S. scientists.

Satellite picture shows the ice had melted up to 3.4 million square kilometers as of 16 September, the lowest point this year.

This is the area of ​​ice cover in the Arctic since the smallest on record in 1979, according to Snow and Ice Data Center National.

"Now we are in a situation that had never imagined," said agency director Mark Serreze said in a statement Wednesday.

"While we have long known that as the warming of the planet, the first change will be evident in the Arctic, but few of us know how to prepare for the rapid changes that are happening now."

Arctic ice is expanding and shrink with the seasons, and the lowest point usually occurs in September.

This year the full extent of the ice continues to shrink to its lowest point, the record had occurred on 26 August and 4 September.

And in two weeks, widespread melting ice cover reaches 517,997 square kilometers, a figure that is large enough for the end of summer.

According to the scientist Walt Meier, "The decline in ice cover are strong at the end of the summer to be an indication of how thin the ice is now."

"The ice is definitely very thin so that it can continue to melt at sunset and autumn comes."

The scientists use the arctic ice extent as a benchmark the overall climate. Apart from annual fluctuations due to natural weather variations, permafrost was apparent shrinking trend in the last 30 years, according to Snow and Ice Data Center National.

"The minimum level of this year nearly 50 percent lower than the 1979-2000 average," according to them.

The research center based in Colorado, said that the composition of the Arctic is changing. Moments before the ice remains frozen throughout the summer, now mostly melted and froze again as the seasons change.

"Twenty years from now in August, you might be able to board through the Arctic Ocean," said scientist Julienne Strove. Though the area is usually covered by ice all year round.

Various climate models predict "ice-free conditions" that occurred in 2050, but the decline of ice extent indicates that conditions could occur more quickly than expected.

The center has now warned that the heat and moisture from the melting Arctic icecap could carry global implications.

"It will gradually affect the climate in the area where we live," he said. "We have fewer polar polar, then there will be more variety and extreme (weather)."

Greenpeace environmental activists concerned about the announcement. They hope that this fact will lead to a sense of relief and the action slowed this trend.

"In just 30 years, we've changed how our planet looks from space., And now the Arctic soon will be ice-free in summer," said Greenpeace director Kumi Naidoo said in a statement.

"I hope that future generations will look at this day as a turning point, when the spirit of global cooperation appears to overcome the great challenges we experienced."

According to scientists, climate change occurred when carbon dioxide and other gases produced by humans appears to the atmosphere and makes it difficult planet to reflect heat back into space, causing the greenhouse effect.

Along with the melting of ice in Greenland, another greenhouse gas, methane trapped in permafrost were released into the air.

Methane comes from the remains of plants and animals that are trapped in the sediment and then terutup the ice in the last Ice Age.

Methane is 25 times more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide sunlight.

When methane is released into the atmosphere and the planet warmed again as the greenhouse effect, the more that will melt the ice again, and releasing more carbon into the air.