Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Make sleep 9 hours Weight Down

Several studies have revealed that sleep deprivation can lead to obesity. Due to lack of sleep is associated with decreased levels of leptin (a hormone that controls body weight and metabolism) and increased levels of ghrelin (which plays a role in increasing appetite). Conversely, if you want to slim down you should sleep more and more regularly. The problem is, how much sleep do we need so that our weight to be down?
A study of 1088 pairs of twins found several genes that are associated with obesity, and observe how it relates to the pattern of sleep. These genes affect how the body uses energy, how fat is stored in the body, a feeling of fullness after eating, and how quickly sugar is used.
From these observations are found, the less time you sleep, these genes affect the body more and more. Genetic influences on body mass index turns two times greater in people who sleep less than seven hours, compared to nine hours of sleep a night.
"The results show that sleep deprivation lead to a more permissive environment for the expression of genes related to obesity. Or maybe sleep longer it protects against stress-related gene expression in obesity," said Dr. Nathaniel Watson, leader of the study.
The results of this study he was only an introduction, but it could indicate that the weight loss will be most effective when the genetic influences on obesity reduced by sleeping longer.
For those of you who are always busy intercepted, this method may be quite difficult, because sleep seven hours may be a luxury for you. But if you are trying to lose weight by way of lazy, so the results of this study worth a try.

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